Village, school officials continue subdivision talks

Ozaukee Press Staff

Village of Fredonia and Northern Ozaukee school officials recently met to discuss a proposed subdivision on the village’s north side. 

Hillcrest Builders has proposed constructing more than 100 homes west and north of the Northern Ozaukee School District campus. The project has been slowed, however, by the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing negotiations with the school district.

The developer has proposed a system of trails through the subdivision that would connect homes with the campus. A land swap also has been proposed that would trade some acreage for additional lots for access to a retention pond on the developer’s land.

However, school officials noted at a recent joint meeting with the Fredonia Village Board that the district already has access to the pond.

“We’re just trying to figure out how to lose as little district land as possible,” School Board member Dan Large said.

School officials said they prefer sidewalks to trails on school property because they would be easier to maintain and that sidewalks in neighborhoods would be safer for children.

They also said they prefer an access drive to the campus from Emerald Hills Drive to be farther south.

Additional joint meetings are planned between the village and school boards.



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