Town to implement fee for storage pods
In an effort to prevent storage containers from becoming part of the residential landscape, the Belgium Town Board approved charging $25 per use last week.
The town, Zoning Administrator Charlie Parks said, passed an ordinance that prohibits the permanent use of full-time accessory storage containers.
“Neighbors complain when these things go up,” he said.
The ordinance only applies to the town’s R-1 single-family residential district.
The storage pods, Town Chairman Tom Winker said, are becoming popular. They get filled after two or three weeks and are then usually taken away.
In cases such as remodeling a portion of a home, Parks said, “they’re handy to have.”
The fee would be charged per unit per use. Parks said he will establish criteria to verify where the storage unit came from and how long it will be on a property.
The board approved the fee, 3-0.
Action on adopting a deed restriction fee was delayed to the September board meeting.
The town charges a fee for applying to the Plan Commission for a conditional use permit and is considering charging another fee if a deed restriction is required.
Parks said if legal fees are required, those should be charged to the applicant.
“I think we should look at all the fees,” Supr. Bill Janeshek said.
Winker suggested Parks research other fees before the September meeting.
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