Town approves 2019 fire contract with Waubeka department

Ozaukee Press Staff

The Town of Fredonia last week approved and signed a contract for 2019 with the Waubeka Fire Department that calls for an increase of 3%.

Under the contract, the town will pay the fire department $114,060 in 2019.

The increase is to cover the general rise in costs and not for any special purpose, Waubeka Fire Chief Jason Caswell said.

The contract is separate from the Town Board’s decision last month to borrow $670,000 to buy a new fire truck for the fire department.

The town is borrowing that money from the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands State Trust Fund at an interest rate of 4.75%.

The town will make 11 payments of $79,000 per year starting next year.

The new borrowing is not expected to affect the budget or current tax rate since other debt will be retired at the time payments on the truck begin, officials say.

The town’s 2019 budget dropped slightly from 2018 to $745,045. The tax levy rose 0.6% to $500,180.



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