Town’s gift helps NOSD with cost of Covid fight

Belgium board donates unused funds from state to three area school districts

OZAUKEE MIDDLE SCHOOL Principal Charlie Schwartz showed how one of the Northern Ozaukee School District’s new electrostatic cleaners works as district Facilities Director Kent Schueller looked on. The district was able to buy two of the cleaners with funds donated to it by the Town of Belgium. Photo by Sam Arendt
Ozaukee Press Staff

The Northern Ozaukee School District received an unexpected windfall when the Town of Belgium gave the district $2,400 in unused state Road to Recovery funds meant to help municipalities with unexpected coronavirus-related costs.

The town also donated $2,400 to each of the other public school districts attended by town children attend — Random Lake and Cedar Grove-Belgium.

NOSD Supt. Dave Karrels said the money was used to buy two handheld, cordless electrostatic sprayers and additional cleaning supplies.

“It is awesome to see the town’s willingness to partner with our district. We’re very grateful for their generosity,” Karrels said. “Now we can spray down any open space.”

In all, Karrels said, the district has received about $40,000 in Covid-related funding, which it has used to buy cleaning supplies and improve technology to help facilitate remote learning.

Among the improvements are purchasing equipment for mobile, remote learning stations built by district staff, including laptops and multidirectional microphones that allow students at home to attend  class simultaneously with their classmates and interact with their teachers.

The funds are a part of about $200 million distributed across the state as part of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

According to state records, the Village of Fredonia received $35,880 and the Town of Fredonia received $35,506 from the fund.

Allocations were made based on population.



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