School, community remember veterans on special day

About 1,000 students and guests gathered in the Port Washington High School gym Monday to mark Veterans Day and name four Port High graduates who served in the military to its Wall of Honor. Color guard member John Staton (right in top photo), a member of Saukville’s Landt-Thiel American Legion Post, saluted the flag, as did David Bichler (left), a U.S. Army veteran named to the Wall of Honor. Senior Jessica Boccio, president of the student council (right in photo above), thanked veterans for their service. Veterans named to the school’s Wall of Honor included Michael Kultgen (below right), a 1959 Port High graduate who served in the Army and wore his letter jacket for the occasion, and Bichler (below left), a 1962 graduate. Also named to the wall but unable to attend the event were Lisa Azzoline, a 1985 graduate who served in the Air Force, and Charles Watry, a 1981 graduate who served in the Army. The veterans were nominated for the honor by the Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Post in Port Washington, the Landt-Thiel post and the Ozaukee County Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post.
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