Public comprehensive plan meeting is Monday

The Village of Belgium will hold a public information meeting and design workshop as part of the comprehensive plan review at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 29, at Village Hall.

The comprehensive plan is being reviewed and will be amended. The village invites residents to go over the results of last fall’s public opinion survey and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats workshop.

A design workshop will also be held to identify opportunities and areas for redevelopment and potential smart growth areas, and to prepare and evaluate scenarios for development and natural resource protection.



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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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Port Washington, WI 53074
(262) 284-3494


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