Plan Commission OKs signs for new business and church
The Belgium Plan Commission last month unanimously approved three sign permits.
Kyle Simpson, owner of newly opened Kyote’s Bar and Grill, received permits for a 4-by-16 LED sign and a 5-by-5 aluminum sign. The larger sign says Kyotes in orange with a coyote in front of the “O” and is valued at $4,230. The smaller one has the orange coyote with the “O” and costs $565. It will be illuminated with a spotlight.
Simpson bought the former location of Bic’s Place in September, one day after it closed, and opened his bar and grill several weeks ago.
Pastor Joe Radosevich of Belgium Community Church received a permit for a 4-by-6 sign. It is made of Alumalite and is valued at $775. It will not be illuminated.
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