New school club is a smash

Ping pong offers an escape from homework and has educational element

CEDAR GROVE-BELGIUM High School ping pong players Tannor Kettenhoven (top photo) and Jacob Larsen won a doubles tournament in the school’s newly formed club. Nolan Van Ess made his own paddle (below) with the school’s new 3D printer and said it works about as well as more expensive paddles from stores. Photos by Mitch Maersch
Ozaukee Press Staff

Cedar Grove-Belgium High School technology teacher Craig DeRuyter is a ping pong enthusiast and thought students might enjoy playing as well.

He had no idea there would be this many.

After starting a club last year that drew about 25 people, this year membership has reached 50, which comes to nearly one in six students at the school.

The club has officers, already held a doubles tournament and there is talk of making T-shirts.

Members have been trying different ways to perfect their games.

“Every person has a different spin to the ball and a different serving and playing style,” club officer Zach Chaudier said.

“You just get to learn new techniques and see if they work,” senior Nolan Van Ess said.

It’s more than just play, however. DeRuyter added an educational component by allowing students to make their own paddles with a band saw and sander in his power and energy class.

When the school got a 3D printer this year, DeRuyter saw a new opportunity.

“We could totally make better ping pong paddles with this machine,” he said.

Van Ess made two paddles for about $5 each. He also bought a much more expensive paddle last year and compared how they function.

“It’s about the same,” he said.

The club uses supplies and nine tables the school already had, and DeRuyter said he could use more to allow more students the chance to play.

The club is held at the end of the day during Rocket Block, a period in which students who need help with subjects may work with their teachers or do their homework. The club follows the district’s extracurricular code.



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