LETTERS: Closing Grafton PD at night hurts safety, defies public will

To Ozaukee Press:

What do the citizens of Grafton really want?

Five of seven members of Village Board took it upon themselves to send all dispatch services to the Ozaukee County  Sheriff’s Office even though there was a room full of Grafton residents saying they wanted to keep dispatch in our Grafton Police Department.

Now that dispatch is being sent away, the push is on to close the police department lobby.

Why did only two trustees listen to the people who elected them?  

Five members of the Grafton Village Board are using their perceived power to push through their personal agendas. 

They are going against the expressed wishes of the residents as shown in numerous years of community surveys.

Annual community surveys prove that Grafton residents want local services and low crime.

Since 2013, residents have overwhelmingly stated that village services, public safety and low crime are the reasons they choose to live in Grafton. Low crime averages 98% and village services average 90% as the top reasons people enjoy living here.  

The police department received the highest rating in 2017 with a score of 3.42 out of 4.00 and an average of 92% of residents rated it as “excellent” over the past five years.

Public safety (police, fire, EMT) has also averaged 92%.

Low crime rate has consistently been near or at the top for reasons people choose Grafton.

What will happen to the crime rate in our village if our police department is not open 24/7?

Grafton is the biggest shopping destination in Ozaukee County.

Our police department is the most accessible to I-43 in a three county area.

We are the safe haven for people who need help.

A safe haven is not a locked building; it is having a uniformed professional to offer medical, emotional and safety assistance.          

Don’t compare us to other communities when it comes to safety. The recent attempted carjacking in Port Washington brings the locked lobby issue to the forefront.

Picking up a phone and waiting for help to arrive at the police station is not acceptable for Grafton.

Our public safety teams are in a class by themselves and our residents deserve help to be there when they need it.

Residents agree and have told the Village Board that they expect it.  

It’s time for the five Trustees to do their job and make decisions based on what the people want.

What price have these trustees put on human life?

Keeping our police department lobby open 24/7 is what Grafton is about. It’s about quality of life and safety.

Please attend meetings, contact the trustees and make your voice heard.
Sue Meinecke



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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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Port Washington, WI 53074
(262) 284-3494


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