LETTER: Screnock is unqualified to be justice, would not rule fairly

To Ozaukee Press:

My kids grew up in Cedarburg and they have never been in Cedar Creek, a creek that was the engine for the city’s founding economy—mills. Cedar Creek was a public good that powered the machines that processed agricultural products. That public good was squandered when Mercury Marine poisoned it with PCBs.

The creek is now a mess. For the past year, it has been dredged, drained, filtered and dumped. The multi-million dollar project will not be finished for quite some time.

How did we go from having a creek that powered industry for our shared prosperity to a creek that served as the toxic dump for, ironically, a boat motor company that makes products for folks that fish? The fish in Cedar Creek are too toxic to eat.

I know this is a conservative Republican county. I also know that people here care about clean water, clean air, good public schools and a safe place to work and live. I am very worried that Supreme Court candidate Michael Screnock will strengthen the resolve of the court to further erode protections of our resources from the profit motive of corporations.

Screnrock, who during the last weeks before the February primary received hundreds of thousands of dollars from corporate interests and the state Republican Party to save his campaign, will not be fair. He has said he will not recuse himself from cases brought by people who have contributed more than $10,000 to his campaign. He was known in Sauk county as a mediocre lawyer who because of his work for Gov. Walker was rewarded with a seat on the Sauk County bench.

The Supreme Court of Wisconsin is as important as the governor or the Legislature. It is supposed to rule in a fair way according to the law. I am concerned that in a time when corporations, both foreign and state, are getting huge tax payouts from us, we cannot afford for the sake of our state, our kids and grandkids to turn all of our power and legal rights to their mega interests. 

Please vote for Judge Rebecca Dallet, a principled and experienced lawyer, prosecutor and elected judge for the state

Supreme Court on April 3.

Deb Dassow



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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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