LETTER: Help neighbors in need, give United Way a lift to its goal
To Ozaukee Press:
We are hoping Ozaukee Press readers will respond to help their neighbors in need by making a donation to the United Way of Northern Ozaukee. Your gift will lead to better health, hope and confidence for many and will in turn have a positive impact on our community.
With two months left in the campaign, we are approximately $50,000 short of
our 2019 goal of $360,000. The goal is based on the past needs, critical programs such as rent assistance for struggling families, transportation for seniors, child advocacy services for victims of domestic violence or neglect and services for individuals with mental health and substance abuse disorders.
Through one United Way of Northern Ozaukee contribution, you are supporting 14 programs that impact people in need from birth through their senior years. You are improving lives and making a difference for your neighbors and friends.
What is raised here stays here, helping
Ozaukee residents to thrive socially, economically and emotionally.
This year, we enter into our final fundraising push with an added sense of urgency. The recent partial government shutdown has affected many around our country. With the current uncertainty, we must be prepared for a trickle-down effect that is hitting those on the margins of our society the hardest.
Add to this the weather related challenges we have been facing and the situation facing the most disadvantaged in our community could easily become desperate.
Fortunately, United Way of Northern Ozaukee and its partners are prepared to answer the call. We are working closely with the agencies on the front lines to make sure those in need in our community will have somewhere to turn for assistance.
This letter is part of our final push to help us reach our goal and ensure
our partner agencies have the tools and resources they need to make a difference in people’s lives.
Please consider making a donation to our 2019 campaign by mailing a check to
United Way of Northern Ozaukee at P.O. Box 39, Port Washington, WI. or visit
www.unitedwayno.org to donate now.
We want to thank everyone who has donated this year for your generosity.
We also want to thank Port Washington State Bank for their leadership challenge match and for their continued support to help build a strong healthy community.
United Way of Northern Ozaukee
Board of directors: Gerry Antoine,
Wilma Bonaparte, Don Bystricky, Tom
Carson, Grace Eernisse, Bob Haupt, Chris King,Tony Matera, Craig Modahl,
Jon Neulreich, Cindy Nierode, Joyce
Nwatuobi, Annie Stadler, Bryn Theisen,
Sri Vasudevan, Ron Voigt,
Karen Weber, Michael Weber
Campaign Co-Chairs
Karl and Carol Hertz, Bob and Bill Henkle
Campaign Cabinet
Jim Asplin, Joe Graf, Todd Luft
Click Here to Send a Letter to the EditorOzaukee Press
Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074
(262) 284-3494