Jacqueline Vavra

Jacqueline G. Vavra, formerly of Port Washington, Campbellsport and West Bend, died unexpectedly at her home in Grafton on Wednesday, Sept. 5. She was 41.
Ms. Vavre was born on Feb. 21, 1977, in Port Washington to John C. and Judith Begush Vavra.
She attended Lincoln Elementary and Thomas Jefferson Middle School and graduated from Port Washington High School in 1995.
Ms. Vavra had previously been employed at Ozaukee Bank and Port Washington State Bank, and most recently was a manager at the Chase Bank branch in West Bend.
Ms. Vavre, known as Jackie, enjoyed music, doing arts and crafts and had recently embraced the current coloring trend.
She had a knack for flower gardening and especially liked the mums that the autumn season brought. Her children were most important to her, and she enjoyed the day-to-day bustle of soccer practices, school and teenagers.
Survivors include her children Brian and Leah Holdmann, both of Grafton, father John Vavra of Campbellsport, siblings Jenni (John) Dettmann of Kewaskum, John (Sandy) Vavra III of Random Lake and Jill Vavra of Fond du Lac.
She is further survived by her son-of-the-heart Bryson, half-brother Chip (Laura) Colson of New Berlin, IIl.
She was preceded in death by her mother, Judy Vavra.
Funeral services were Tuesday, Sept. 11, at Eernisse Funeral Home, Port Washington. Tracy Johnson presided.
Memorials, if desired, are suggested to the family for future educational needs.
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