Hallway of History and Alumni just around the corner at OHS

SHOWING A SAMPLE of what will be displayed in the Hallway of History and Alumni at Ozaukee High School were (from left) Don West of Wild West Studios in Cascade, Northern Ozaukee Schools Supt. Dave Karrels and Ozaukee art teacher Nathan Kilps. Photo by Dan Benson
Ozaukee Press Staff

Visitors to Ozaukee High School will soon get a history lesson every time they step into the gymnasium or walk the hallways.

That’s because school officials are in the midst of creating a Hallway of History and Alumni that will include graduation photos from every OHS yearbook, plus other notable people and events since the school was founded in 1967.

Helping with the project is Don West, co-owner of Wild West Studios in Cascade, and art teacher Nathan Kilps.

Between them, they are taking all the yearbook photos, scanning them, correcting them and mounting them on aluminum sheets sheathed in plastic.

“The time-consuming part is getting all the pictures set up,” West said. 

The district had pictures of past graduates on the walls before, but the quality was often poor, Supt. Dave Karrels said.

“Many were in wooden frames. Some you could barely see the pictures,” he said. “It was quite a mix.

“We’re trying to clean it up and have some consistency. Some of the older photos will be black and white, but at the end of the day we want all the frames to appear the same.”

The Hallway of History and Alumni would likely be the hall that borders the gym on the south side, with a Hall of Fame on the north side of the gym where trophies from the school’s various competitive groups would be displayed.

“Same idea, to get some consistency there,” Karrels said.

West, whose children attended OHS, does work with logos for professional sports organizations, including the Green Bay Packers and several NBA teams, and has produced items for OHS sports teams.

“I’ve been supporting athletics here for a few years with my kids involved in sports,” he said.

Karrels and West said they’re looking for more historical photos to display and invite alumni and area residents to donate any they might have.

Those interested in donating photos should call Kilps at 692-2489, ext. 459, or email nkilps@nosd.edu.



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