Committee requests pause on LED lights

Ozaukee Press Staff

It didn’t take long for the light bulb to go on at the Belgium Public Works Committee meeting last week during a discussion on a plan to upgrade the village’s lights to LED.

The committee voted to do nothing.

We Energies lighting consultant Andrea Hatton said in five years the village’s high pressure sodium lights may not be available and she proposed upgrading to LED lights.

The switch, however, was seen as too expensive in up-front costs compared to the energy savings.

Committee member Josh Borden asked if We Energies would replace HPS lights with LED ones as they go bad.

“We can’t afford to pay for all those fixtures. That’s just not going to happen,” Hatton said, adding it would change the village’s rates. “That’s not how the program’s laid out.”

Hatton said We Energies is doing what it can with street lighting but Belgium’s decorative lights are too expensive.

The committee decided to recommend waiting to switch the lights as their cost may decrease in time.

Despite the doing-nothing stance, Treasurer Vickie Boehnlein said a vote for the record was required. The vote was 3-0.

The Village Board will take up the recommendation at its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10.



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