Zoning change clears way for consideration of storage condos

Ozaukee Press staff

The Saukville Town Board last week unanimously approved a zoning change that will allow planned unit developments.

A planned unit development is a type of flexible zoning that redefines permissible land uses in a certain area.

“This will allow for flexibility in our zoning,” Chairman Kevin Kimmes said. 

A planned unit development allows developers to “throw out” some of the code, he said.

“If a developer comes forward with a unique idea, they can throw out certain elements of the code,” Kimmes said. “If someone has a five-acre lot and their setback is 50 feet, they could change how the potential setback is used with a PUD.”

Kimmes added that a planned unit development is only applicable to properties zoned manufacturing-1 and business-1.

A planned unit development is never “a guaranteed right,” Kimmes said.

Planned unit developments cannot be appealed.

Currently, the town has an applicant who plans to build storage condominiums, which are not be allowed under the current code.

“This language allows for that application to come forward,” Kimmes said.

He said the condos would be sold for $300,000 and would have “lots of taxing value.”

“You are paying for value in equity in those condos. They would be under joint wells and septic,” he said.



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