YOUR PIX: A new winter sport in the age of climate change

Winter was right around the corner when Becky Hart took this picture from Coal Dock Park of a wingsurfer scooting past the Port Washington lighthouse. The sailor wore a wetsuit for warmth and buoyancy in the event of a spill in a fresh breeze that was amplied by his board’s high speed. Wingsurfing boards, which rise above the water on hydrofoils, can easily sail faster than 15 mph and up to 30 mph in the hands of a professional. The sail is an inflatable wing. The sport might be a good substitute for snowboarding when snow becomes a rarity.
Ozaukee Press welcomes photos submitted by readers for YOUR PIX. Subjects should be related to nature in the Ozaukee County area, including landscapes, seascapes, farm scenes, buildings in picturesque settings and people and animals enjoying nature. Photos, with the photographer’s name and contact information and the location and other details about the picture, should be emailed to:
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