Volunteers sought for COPE hotline training

Volunteers are being sought by COPE to staff its crisis and emotional support hotlines.

A training session for volunteers will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Monday, Jan. 13, and  Wednesday, Jan. 15.

The mandatory training session consists of 10 hours of instruction on topics such as reflective listening, mental illness, handling difficult callers, grief and loss, crisis intervention and self-care.

 Volunteers will listen to calls with an experienced volunteer for an additional four hours before answering calls.

Volunteers must be 18 or older and be willing to provide two to four hours of listening per week. Daytime and evening hours are available.  

The sessions will be held at the agency’s offices at 885 Badger Cir. in Grafton.

 To schedule an interview or for more information, contact Cecile Duhnke at 377-1477 or email her at cduhnke@copeservices.org.



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