Twenty children receive First Communion

Twenty children received the sacrament of First Communion on Sunday, Aug. 30, at Divine Savior Catholic Parish, Holy Cross Chapel. Receiving their First Communion were: (front row, left to right) Nathan Luza, Sullivan Paulus, Josephine Paulus, Ella Brunner, Sailor White, Liam Haack, Ronan McGarty; (second row) Wyatt Weyker, Kimberly Fellenz, Chloe Cavanaugh, Ariana Burmesch, Reed Dybul, Leo Knetter; (third row) Trevor Leider, Wyatt Szyszkiewicz, Emily Cuppan, Mariah Hamm, Erica Siesco, Evan Wilsnack, Kolton Safemaster; (fourth row) Carla Schommer, Father Gideon Buya, Chanel Schmidts. Photo by Sam Arendt
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