Town, county talking about future of quarry site

Lakeland Road property could become park but officials also weighing other options

THE FORMER Payne and Dolan quarry across Lakeland Road from Town Hall is to be transferred to the town, which will then have to decide what to do with the property. One option being discussed is to give it to Ozaukee County for use as a park with a fishing pond. Press file photo
Ozaukee Press staff

The Town of Saukville is in “early discussions” with Ozaukee County regarding the future use of the former Payne and Dolan limestone quarry site, Town Chairman Kevin Kimmes said.

The town currently owns 40 acres of the property and is expecting to acquire the other 40 acres after Payne and Dolan officially transfer that land.

“We are in the early discussion on what it could be if it were to transfer to the county. There are ideas out there, but no master plan just yet,” Kimmes said.

Kimmes said he cannot comment on the county’s plans for the land, but he noted  that town officials are also thinking about what could be done with the land if the transfer didn’t happen.

“I think at the end of the day, the town is saying, ‘Hey lets look at what we can do to maximize the options for the property and  for the county, and maybe that includes any shape of ideas,’” he said.

Kimmes added that the town would use any money from the sale for road reconstruction projects.

“We just don’t have the money for our roads right now,” he said.

Last year, the county expressed interest in making the property a park with a public fishing spot.

“It’d be great if there were another place to go fishing that wouldn’t require a boat,” County Board Chairman Lee Schlenvogt said at the time.

Kimmes also said the town received requests to go ice fishing there last winter, which were declined.

The quarry has been a point of controversy for town residents, Supr. Curt Rutkowski told Ozaukee Press last August.

“It’s been an issue that has been difficult to resolve,” Rutkowski said. “The terms of the deal weren’t a fair shake to the town.”

Town residents were infuriated when the quarry first came to Saukville, even creating a citizens’ action committee in 1992 to challenge the proposal through legal action.

Residents were concerned about the long-term implications the quarry would have on the environment and property values.

Despite numerous lawsuits from the town and the owners of the land, Payne and Dolan eventually opened the quarry.



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