Thanking our veterans

Area students gather at the Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Post in Port Washington twice a month to work on service projects, and on Nov. 9 they made cards thanking veterans at the Zablocki Veterans Administration Medical Center in Milwaukee for their service. Stars emblazoned with messages for the vets were displayed by (left photo, from left) Makayla Wallock, Unit 82 poppy princess, and Hailey Peck. The cards, along with fleece, knitted and crocheted blankets being made for the veterans as a holiday project, were shown off by (right photo, sitting from left) Wallock, Peck, Legion Auxiliary President Diane Burkhalter, (back row) Legion and Auxiliary members Greg Peck, Jane Jacque, student Olivia Brown, Gloria Erickson with service dog AJ, Jim Schmidt and Christy Wallock. Photos by Sam Arendt
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