School Board incumbent won’t seek another term
Northern Ozaukee School District, School Board member Tim Burmesch has submitted a notice of noncandidacy for the spring 2021 election.
He submitted the notice to the district office before the 5 p.m. deadline Monday, Dec. 28.
Burmesch represents the Town of Belgium on the School Board. He has been a School Board member since 2009.
No incumbents on the Fredonia Village Board filed noncandidacy notices, Village Clerk Sandi Tretow said.
Petitions from candidates to be on the spring ballot must be submitted by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5. If an incumbent opts to not run and did not file a notice of noncandidacy, the deadline to submit petitions will be extended to 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 8.
Fredonia Village Board seats on the April 6 ballot are held by Village President Don Dohrwardt and trustees John Long, Bill McLarty and Dan Gehrke.
In the Town of Fredonia, seats held by Chairman Lance Leider and supervisors Chris Janik and Mark Schubert will be on the ballot.
Terms for both village and town seats are two years.
Three Northern Ozaukee School Board seats will be on the ballot. Besides Tim Burmesch’s seat, one held by Village of Fredonia representative Steve Burmesch will be on the spring ballot. Each term is for three years.
A vacant at-large seat will also be on the ballot to fill the remaining year of that term.
If a primary election is necessary, it will be held Feb. 16.
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