Port officer is First Responder of the Year

    Port Washington Police Officer Tony Becker has been named First Responder of the Year for the 60th Assembly District, Rep. Rob Brooks announced.
    Becker was honored for running into a burning house on Sept. 15 and rescuing 79-year-old John LaCount.
    “Officer Becker, through his heroism, exemplified selflessness, dedication, and a commitment to safe communities,” Brooks said.
    “Officer Becker is a valued member of the community, a hero in every sense of the word, and is beyond deserving of this outstanding achievement. He and his fellow first responders put their lives on the line every single day to keep our communities safe.”
    The Wisconsin State Assembly honored first responders from all 99 Assembly districts on Tuesday, Oct. 26, in Madison, presenting each with a legislative citation recognizing their achievement.



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