Port High School program to mark Veterans Day


Port Washington will mark Veterans Day with a program at Port High at 10 a.m. Monday, Nov. 11.

Four veterans will be inducted to the Wall of Honor — Air Force veteran Lisa Azzoline, nominated by the Landt-Thiel American Legion Post 470 in Saukville; Army veterans Mike Kultgen and Charlie Watry, nominated by the Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Post 82 in Port Washington, and Army veteran David Bichler, nominated by the Ozaukee County Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5373.

Those honored must have attended Port High or worked for the school, been honorably discharged from military service and made a significant contribution to the U.S., according to Jim Schmidt of the Van Ells-Schanen Legion Post.

Among those introducing the veterans will be Schmidt, Azzoline’s father Urban Braam and Allen Cottrell.

The Veterans Day observance will begin with the presentation of colors and the pledge of allegiance led by Principal Eric Burke and the national anthem by the school band.

Burke and a member of the Student Council will address the assembly.

The four inductees or their representatives will address the students before a rifle salute by the VFW at 11 a.m. 

Taps will be played by a band member and the band will play during the ceremony. 

A lunch at the Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Hall on Lake Street will follow the program.


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