Port High to host Vet’s Day Wall of Honor ceremony
Port Washington will celebrate Veterans Day during a 10:25 a.m. Wall of Honor assembly Monday, Nov. 11, in the Port Washington High School Performing Arts Center.
Three veterans will be inducted to the Wall of Honor during the ceremony. They are:
• Fred Schaeger, who was a Port High teacher from 1959 until he retired in 2000, and was nominated by the Ozaukee County Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5373.
• Jeremy Klopp, Port High Class of 1999, presented by the Van Ells-Schanen American Legion Post 82.
• Jami Last, Class of 2002, Landt-Thiel American Legion Post 470.
Those inducted into the Wall of Honor must have attended Port High or worked for the school, been honorably discharged from military service and made a significant contribution to the country.
The program begins with a prelude of patriotic music by the Port High band directed by Chris Clouthier, followed by the presentation of colors.
The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Max Behrndt and Eily Haass, representatives of Badger Boys and Badger Girls State.
The Port High choir under the direction of Dennis Gephart will sing the national anthem, after which Student Council President Isabella Koebel will give an address.
Jerry Wiskow of the Port American Legion Post will introduce the inductees.
After, the band and choir will present musical selections, followed by a moment of silence. A salute to the dead will follow, after which student Tegan Timberlake will play taps.
After the event, the Van Ells-Schanen Legion will host a free light lunch at the Legion Hall on Lake Street for the public.
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