IN MY OPINION: Elder abuse hurts vulnerable older people and diminishes all of us
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. On that day, communities
in the U.S. and all over the world bring attention to this systemic social challenge.
As Americans, we believe in justice for all. Yet we fail to live up to this promise when we allow older members of our society to be abused or neglected.
Older people are vital, contributing members of American society and their
maltreatment diminishes all of us. Just as we have confronted and addressed the social issues of child abuse and domestic violence, so too can we find solutions to address elder abuse, which also threatens the well-being of our community.
Older people are more likely to experience social isolation, which increases the likelihood of abuse and neglect. We can design stronger societal supports to keep our older people connected and protect them from abuse, whether financial, emotional, physical or sexual. We can and must create healthier and safer communities for our older adults.
Please look for the banner and pinwheels displayed during the month of June in the Ozaukee County Administration planters that face East Grand Avenue in downtown Port Washington. A pinwheel will be planted for each of the 362 referrals Ozaukee County Adult Protective Services received for elders and at-risk adults in 2022. Purple ribbons will be displayed in downtown Port Washington in commemoration.
If you are able to give support, please connect with your older family members, neighbors and local volunteer agencies. If you are in need of services, please contact Ozaukee County’s Aging and Disability
Resource Center. If you are an older adult and a victim of neglect, abuse, financial exploitation or self-neglect, or you know someone in these situations, reach out to Ozaukee County’s Adult Protective Services at 262-284-8200.
The author is adult protective services supervisor for Ozaukee County Human Services.
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Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
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