Main Street takes $250,000 plaza plan to donors

A DRAWING SHOWS the Heart of the Harbor plaza, complete with a sculpture, fire feature, landscaping and shaded seating, that Port Main Street Inc. wants to build at the far east end of East Main Street in downtown Port. The agency is currently working to raise $250,000 to finance the plaza.
Port Main Street Inc. has launched an effort to raise money for a harborfront public plaza with a sculpture and fire feature that comes with a quarter-million-dollar price tag.
The organization has raised about $32,000 for the $250,000 plaza that is to be built at the far east end of Main Street and was approved by the city last year, Main Street Design Committee Chairman Judy Cotter said.
That includes a couple large donations and some small, she said, as well as some smaller contributions.
The group has also applied for the Coastal Management grant, she said.
Main Street hopes to turn the plaza, called the Heart of the Harbor, into a centerpiece of downtown, Cotter said, a place that will draw residents and tourists and allow them to linger — even when it’s chilly outside.
Musical events could be held there, or the Arts Council could hold events or displays there, Cotter said.
Plans for the plaza include metal sunshades, benches, bike racks, picnic tables, landscaping and a sculpture with a fire element.
“The art sculpture is the centerpiece,” Cotter said, adding other art pieces could be incorporated into the area as well.
Artists are working on a concept for the main sculpture, she said.
“We don’t know what the exact design will be,” she said. “We have one artist’s concept, and we’re looking at others. We want to see what fits the space best.”
The sculpture will be part of a gas fire feature that can be activated by anyone via a switch. It would run for a set amount of time, perhaps 10 or 15 minutes, Cotter said.
“The intent is to make the plaza a four-season place,” she said.
Main Street Executive Director Melissa Alexander said the plan is intended to “reinvigorate Port Washington’s heart of the harbor, making this a center point while focusing on the beauty of downtown and preserving lakefront green space.”
Cotter said the goal is to make the plaza an inviting place for people to sit and linger.
“Right now, it’s underutilized. There’s really nowhere to sit,” she said. “People stop there, get out of their cars and walk around, then leave.
“We’d like to encourage people to really stay in the area. We want to make this plaza more family friendly and turn it into a true gathering spot.”
Port Main Street is currently approaching potential donors and reaching out to businesses to try and raise the necessary funds, Cotter said.
A Heart of the Harbor website with information and a fundraising mechanism will be launched soon, she said.
Donors who contribute $500 or more will be recognized on a plaque at the plaza.
That doesn’t mean smaller amounts aren’t needed too, she said.
“If someone wants to give $20, we’re grateful,” she said.
Main Street is also planning fundraising events to help make the project a reality, Cotter said.
“If we do really well, we hope to get (construction) done for summer of 2020,” Cotter said.
If not, Main Street will aim to have the project completed by fall, she said.
“I feel good about it,” she said. “I think it’s really going to add to our downtown.”
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