LETTER: Remember ice skating? In hot world, it’s fading into the past
To Ozaukee Press:
In years past, seeing the first dandelion was an occasion of joy for me signaling spring’s return after winter’s long, cold months. Their bright yellow flowers only lasted about six weeks with no need for polluting the environment with hazardous chemicals. But recently, in the third week of December 2023, I found a bright yellow dandelion in the still very green grass in my backyard. It was no occasion for joy, but rather alarm, at the up-close evidence of our warming planet.
I am 80 years old. When I was a child, I was always gleefully ice skating by Thanksgiving. I doubt outdoor skating will happen at all this year. I am also a new great-grandmother and wonder what sort of world my great-grandson will grow up in. I pray it will be one where we finally came to our senses and put the brakes on polluting our air, land and waters.
There are no perfect people, politicians or political parties, but there are those who believe in pursuing justice for all of us, which includes protecting Mother Earth. Every person of voting age has a serious responsibility to vote informed, electing politicians who support development of legislation and programs that protect Mother Earth’s air, land, waters and all who inhabit them
There needs to be virtue in politics. In all my years of voting, the political party that comes closest to caring for the land and its inhabitants is the Democratic Party. Please care. Vote informed, on behalf of Mother Earth and my new great-grandson. Thank you.
Marcia Kaminski
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