LETTER: Port citizens forced to pay for city’s water utility mistakes

The Port Washington filtration plant overlooks the lake that is its water source. Ozaukee Press photo

To Ozaukee Press:

First off, let me explain that I am a tax-paying resident of the City of Port Washington. Grafton is only my mailing address.

I read with great dismay the news story in last week’s Ozaukee Press about the planned enforcement of a 67% water rate hike. It is difficult to understand why we as taxpayers are expected to pay for the outrageous impact of the irresponsible lack of action by our city government over many years.

Our city government has not taken seriously the needs of the citizens by

continually pushing off needed repairs to the water plant. Had repairs been completed on an ongoing basis, the cost would have been significantly less and the welfare of the citizens would have been assured.

Ozaukee Press reported: “The $18.3 million project is required to meet a DNR mandate that the plant meet current codes and address deficiencies, primarily regarding backup power and changes to the clear well, that had been grandfathered by the state in the past.”

This does not excuse the city government from addressing the issue before bringing us to this precipice. Inaction over the past many years, by not creating a plan for ongoing needed repairs and most importantly for not meeting code standards and addressing deficiencies is irresponsible.

As citizens of this world we strive to be responsible for living within our means, which includes budgeting for necessities.  We are expected to not overextend our credit to the point of not being able to pay our debts and for not becoming unnecessarily dependent on others. Why is our city government not acting in the same manner?

I know there is no turning back the clock, but I charge the Port Washington city government with the responsibility to make the welfare of the citizens the priority for all decisions made in the future.

  I do not have figures to substantiate this, but I suspect that there are many residents of Port Washington who are living on fixed incomes. Did their income increase by 67%? No. And younger families have not had a 67% increase in their income and some are struggling to manage on a daily basis.

Rachel Haggarty



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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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Port Washington, WI 53074
(262) 284-3494


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