LETTER: Neubauer’s qualifications are unmatched in high court race
To Ozaukee Press:
The Wisconsin State Supreme Court plays a critical role in our democratic processes with three key responsibilities: to resolve disputes in accordance with the federal and state constitutions and laws; administer the Wisconsin court system; and regulate of the legal profession. On April 2, Wisconsin voters have an important responsibility to elect a member to this court.
I write in support of Judge Lisa Neubauer for Wisconsin Supreme Court justice. I recently heard her speak at a public forum in Mequon. It is clear to me in how she addressed questions from the audience that she is committed to making sure our Supreme Court is fair, impartial, independent and upholds the rule of law.
Neubauer’s professional and personal qualifications are unmatched in this race. She has had a distinguished career in private practice. The past 11 years, she has served as a judge on the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. Recently, she was appointed chief judge of that court by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Unlike her competitor, she has not held partisan political appointments.
While I am not a legal expert, I am impressed by those in the profession who overwhelmingly support Neubauer’s candidacy. She has garnered over 300 endorsements of Wisconsin judges, sheriffs, police chiefs and district attorneys from both political parties.
Vote for Lisa Neubauer to bring a very capable and impartial voice to our state’s highest court.
Bob Tatterson
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Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
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