LETTER: Cain’s understanding of judicial issues warrants his election

To Ozaukee Press:

Voting is such a personal privilege; so first and foremost thanks to all of you who will vote on April 2. I’ll be voting for Steve Cain for Circuit Court judge and I hope you will too. Steve’s breadth of relevant legal and judicial experience is impressive.

Judges today face many difficult issues. In meeting with Steve, I have been impressed with his views ranging from expungement where appropriate for young offenders to a specialized drug court, a renewed and enlightened focus on mental health issues and drug treatment programs. Steve also has a special heart for and understanding of our veteran community.

We’ve been blessed in Ozaukee County with judges who ensure law and order and focus on protecting our constitutional rights. Steve Cain has the compassion, experience and willingness to continue this fine tradition while bringing about positive change in Ozaukee County.

Joe Dean
Port Washington



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Ozaukee Press

Wisconsin’s largest paid circulation community weekly newspaper. Serving Port Washington, Saukville, Grafton, Fredonia, Belgium, as well as Ozaukee County government. Locally owned and printed in Port Washington, Wisconsin.

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Port Washington, WI 53074
(262) 284-3494


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