LETTER: ‘Dark ages’ prevail in Mideast, enabling terrorism by Hamas
To Ozaukee Press:
We act according to our beliefs. So did Hamas. It gets it beliefs from Islam. Because Mohammad and his followers are dead, they rely on the Quran for guidance. It’s not unusual for people to rely on scripture, but in most cases these scriptures are debated and interpreted daily. Books are written and podcasts generated. Most beliefs change over time, and the Catholics of today are far different than those of the Inquisition.
Many Christian congregations embrace gay marriage and marriage between different sects. It didn’t use to be like this, and we can be thankful that most Christians have left behind the dark ages.
The west continues to replace superstition with logic and scientific observation. From this, democracy grew. The rest of the world is slowly moving in this direction, as refugees flock to countries where freedom, prosperity and democratic participation is the norm. In the west, freedom of expression and freedom of religious affiliation are sacred.
Not so in Islamic countries, which seem to have reverted from a once prosperous era to the dark ages. Only when the Islamic world undresses the terrorists will peace evolve in Israel. Islamic countries had the opportunity to avoid all this nonsense 75 years ago and it remains so today. Hamas is horrible, but long-term peace is bigger than them.
John S. Strauss
Campton Hills, Ill.
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