Dozens of students earn honors at Concordia

Forty-two area students were named to the fall honors list at Concordia University Wisconsin.

To be eligible, students must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.6.

Grafton students include Vy Duong, Olivia Eggert, Caitlyn Fenton, Alia Fortney, Anghelo Gangano, Kasey Hanson, Sophia Kegley, Jenna Klos, Noah Kurz, Kaitlyn Larson, Samantha Manis, Nichole Marth, Ryan Miller, Kimberly Navarrete, Nicholas Niswonger, Teresa Robinson, Derek Ruona, Charles Schnell, Alexa Stempihar, Breanna Thomson and Sophie Zang.

Students from Port Washington are Morgan Esselman, Jennifer Fote, Emily Jacque, Sarah Jentges, Morgan Kropidlowski, Claire Penkwitz and Joshua Pingel.

Belgium students include Benjamin Anzia, Blake Braga, Lu Lian, Caleb Sells, Ashli Von Heimburg and Alexandrea Weiland.

Students from Fredonia are Jacob Huth, Kathryn Schultz, Breana Trepes and Colleen Wierzbinski.

Saukville students include  Amanda Baierl, Izabella Richards and Brandon Wicke.

Jennifer Eisenheim of Waubeka also made the list.




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