Aldermen OK budget that maintains programs, hikes tax rate

Ozaukee Press staff

Port Washington aldermen on Tuesday approved a $9.9 million general fund operating budget for 2020, up 2.2% from this year.

The tax levy is proposed to be $3.5 million while the tax rate needed to raise that amount is projected to be $6.60 per $1,000 assessed valuation. 

That’s an increase of 31 cents per $1,000, or 4.9%, from last year’s rate of $6.29 per $1,000.

No one spoke during a public hearing on the budget Tuesday.

The budget is a largely status quo financial plan that maintains virtually all the city programs, officials said.

A proposal by Fire Chief Mark Mitchell and the Police and Fire Commission to hire a second full-time firefighter/paramedic was not included in the budget, and the Police Department will not fill two positions vacant due to retirements — the captain and a lieutenant — until mid-year.

The budget also calls for water rates to increase 3% next year to help pay for capital upgrades and for sewer rates to increase as well, probably about 5%.

The marina slip fees will increase about 3% as well, and emergency medical services charged by the Port ambulance will also increase.

Also Tuesday the council approved the annual Business Improvement District operating plan and tax rate of $2.01 per $1,000 assessed valuation.

The tax rate, which is charged to downtown property owners, is the same as last year’s, and it is expected to bring in $67,800.

The money is used in large part to fund Port Main Street Inc., which uses it to promote downtown businesses.

The city is contributing $15,000 to Port Main Street next year.

“I think it’s money well spent,” Ald. Jonathan Pleitner, chairman of the Finance and License Committee, said. “It makes us a more vibrant community.”


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